Sunday, February 21, 2016

Live more, worry less

I have had a tough few weeks at work lately, excess stress and more worry than needed. It has gotten me thinking about how to cope with these feelings. The Dalai Lama said "if a problem can be solved it will be. If it can not be solved there is no use worrying about it." Somehow, most of us don't live by these words. We spend countless hours dwelling on the past or stressing about the future and not focusing on the present and coming to terms with the fact that worrying does not solve anything. What would it mean to be present and focus only on today? Not wondering what will be or recalling what was, but living today just for today. The act of meditation, relaxation and de-stressing helps us do just this: remove the weight of the world and just focus on the things you can control, like breathing. Something so automatic we often forget we are even doing it, but what if you focus on your breath and what it means to fill your lungs with air and than expel it. This simple practice allows you to be present and in the moment and in your body. Helping to ground you and get you back on track when your surroundings threaten to derail you. I find when I am really stressed or anxious I forget to breathe deeply and end up short of breath because I have been breathing shallowly or not at all and I catch myself holding my breath. 

Today is Sunday, my lazy day, the day I re-energize and rest and prepare myself for the coming week. I sleep in a little later, I remain in pajamas or comfy clothes. I make myself a coffee or two and I savour it and sip it for awhile. There is a slowness to the routine, there is no rush or hustle and bustle to be anywhere, at least not too early or quickly. Sunday is my favourite day of the week, it always has been. But what makes it so wonderful? Well, there's no alarm clock, no commuting long distances, no work, no set schedule. Sunday I am free to focus on me and I get to live more, stress less. I would like to take the time to remind myself, and encourage you to recognize and make your own list, of what I love so much about Sunday's and try and implement that into my everyday life. I have identified a few above, one being, I love the act of making and drinking coffee. It makes me happy, I love picking a mug, preparing my cup, and sitting back to enjoy.
I also love doing what I like, whenever I like to do it, on my own time and without a schedule. We are so programmed by routines during the work week that we often forget how to just sit back and enjoy ourselves. On Sunday I focus on reading, organizing, writing for my blog, catching up with friends and being with family. If we focused more on what is good and positive and makes us happy, than we would have less time to worry and stress. 

So next time you find yourself getting stressed at work or in your life, take a moment to breathe and ground yourself. Remember what it is you love about Sundays, or any day of the week or activity that makes you happy, and try to fit that into your everyday life. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and do not forget to live more, worry less
Lots of love and teal next time....xoxo

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